18 Months

My baby is 18 months! How'd that happen?

This is really a fun stage-one of my favorites really.  I love watching Ellen explore and interact with the world around her. It's like you can see her little brain thinking. She smiles and laughs easily, communicates relatively well with us, enjoys being with other people, and she still will happily cuddle with me. She is really a joy to be around.

Here are Ellen's stats from the doctors office today:
     Weight: 19 lbs, 8.02 percentile
     Length: 29.75 inches, 3.88 percentile
     Head Circumference: 17.5 inches, 9.78 percentile

Here are a few developments:

1. Ellen can say the words Mom, Dad, No, Uh-oh, Shoe, Hi, and Bye. She is very good at waving and likes to especially say hi and bye to Anders. She likes to wave to him while he sits on the stand at church and will do it, often yelling "dad," until he waves back.

2. Ellen is wearing 12 month clothes with room to grow. Since all of our 12 month clothes were winter clothes, I've had to do some shopping.

3. She likes to snuggle with me right after she wakes up and right before she goes to sleep. She'll put her head on my shoulder and pull her legs up under her, so her bum sticks out. It's pretty cute.

4. She is a lot of fun to play with right now. She loves to be chased by Anders, she likes to be tickled, and she easily gets excited about a lot of things. She is also starting to play with Summer. It's music to my ears when they actually play together. I'm sure as they get older there will be plenty of fighting (there already is), but I am excited for them to be good friends too.

5. Ellen loves to go outside. She has recently learned how to do the slide by herself, which she thinks is great! She also thinks she's bigger than she is when it comes to using playground equipment. She has no fear and I have to watch her pretty closely.

6. She has recently discovered how to climb onto chairs and tables, so nothing is safe at our house.

7. Ellen has started to copy and help me all the time. The other day I was moving some trash bags of clothes. I couldn't carry all of them, so she grabbed one and started dragging it after me. She also likes to pick up toys, empty/fill the dishwasher, and basically do whatever I am doing. It really is pretty cute.

8. We have a little baby doll that Ellen has adopted and loves to carry around. She'll bring me the doll, wanting me to help her put on the headband, get her the bottle, and wrap her in a blanket. It's so sweet.

9. Ellen likes to get hair brushed and will sit quietly for a long time if you are brushing her hair. Sarah spent a good 15 minutes during General Conference doing it. I guess I don't blame her. I'd love it if someone would brush my hair for me.

10. Whenever Ellen sees me after a long time (at church, when she is being babysat) she'll let out a happy shriek and come running to me. It's pretty much the best thing ever.

11. Ellen is usually quite happy. She also has a particular shriek she uses when Summer is making her mad-by either blocking her way (a very common occurrence) or by over toys. It is loud and piercing and has been commented on by our neighbors who live across the street.

12. Ellen has been going to nursery for about a month now and is doing great. She cries for just a few minutes at the beginning of it and then settles right down. This has really been a small miracle and blessing. Two months ago she was in a major stranger danger mode and didn't like anyone except me. We tried nursery one week and it was a total disaster. Due to the callings that both Anders and I have, we have really needed her to be able to go to nursery and be happy. Gratefully, she suddenly got over her fea,r through divine help I am sure, and is making Sunday's much more manageable for the whole family.

Here are a few pictures of the girls we took just a couple of weeks ago in their Easter Dresses. This is more or less Ellen's 18 month photoshoot as well. Notice the hand holding? We have come a long way since last Easter. If you will recall there was much crying from Summer when Ellen accidentally touched her. It may have taken her a year, but Summer usually does like Ellen these days-and will even touch her. :)
