Hair Spray

One of a mother's most fearful times of the day is when she is in the shower. Destruction and injury can become quite rampant when she cannot hear or see what is going on in the house. Since Anders' works from home, I don't worry too much about the injury aspect of it. If there was a true emergency, he would hear the crying and noise, and come help. Although, today during my shower Ellen knocked the lamp off my nightstand and he didn't notice. 

Anyway, a couple of days ago I climbed out of the shower to hear Ellen crying. It wasn't a "I'm hurt" cry or a "my mom left me" cry but was an "I'm annoyed" cry. Wondering what Summer was up to, I quickly went in search of the girls. I found them in Ellen's room. Summer had a comb in one hand, and a spray bottle of water in the other hand. I also noticed that Ellen's hair was soaking wet. Summer quickly informed me that she was doing Ellen's hair with hairspray. Not too concerned about the water in her hair, I went over to pick up Ellen and discovered she had a very strong, fruit smelling scnet to her. It was then that I realized Ellen's hair was not coated in water, but instead, was coated in air freshener. At least she smelled good....
