Christmas Activities

I love Christmas time-and I love all the fun activities there are to do. Here are some pictures from some of the different things that we did this year.

Festival of Trees: I always love to go to this-to see the creativity and beauty of the different trees/projects. It also always makes me truly grateful for the health of my children. Summer and Ellen did pretty good. Summer loved the music (live music by local elementary schools) and they both enjoyed the delicious treat we got.

The Harry Potter Tree was one of my favorites.

This giant gingerbread "house" of the temple and Utah features was pretty amazing.

Summer quite liked Santa's sleigh made entirely out of the balloons.

The Living Nativity: This is another of my favorite activities. Nisha joined us and we went on a lovely, warm december day. Summer was quite excited to see  "Baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Smith."

Temple Square: We took a last minute trip up to Temple Square to see the lights. It was supposed to be one of the last warm nights in December that we could go, so we decided to go and 20 minutes later we were on our way. Summer quite loved the nativity scene. As we listened to the audio narrative, the Tabernacle Choir started to sing. Summer was sure it was the angels singing and decided that she couldn't see them for the same reason she couldn't see the stars: clouds. She also was very excited to her President Monson speak at the end.

Ellen enjoyed looking at all the lights.

After seeing the lights we headed to grab some dinner at City Creek mall. We got a cookie to share for dessert. Summer was not happy about having to share it. When I broke off a piece for me she said "That's not very nice." There were big crocodile tears and she refused to eat her cookie half at first. Finally she decided that some cookie was better than no cookie. She was very dramatic about the whole thing and it was pretty comical.

Our last stop was at the fountain at City Creek that plays to music. It's quite fun to watch and very magical.

I made an advent calendar that was fun to do! I was pretty proud of the finished project.

Gingerbread house!

Summer helped to decorate the Christmas tree.

Ellen loved putting these little nativity pieces in and out of this basket. She spent hours doing it.

Griggs Family Party: We had lots of good food and a white elephant gift exchange. Sarah brought a frozen octopus from the Asian Store and she also ended up with the family boustier purse. It was lots of fun.

Tree of Life: We took a trip up to Draper to see the "Tree of Life" with Sarah. It was quite cool to see. It had lights on in the flashed randomly, making it look like it sparkled.

Summer and I made some ornaments one afternoon.
